Treatment of erectile dysfunction- without side effects

For those who are suffering from ED there is this one question that is running on the back of their heads-  How can I find a treatment that is devoid of any side effects.

It is quite natural for you to wonder about such things. But mind you that as such there is no such remedy for Erectile Dysfuntion cure barring a few such as doing exercises and yoga or acupuncture therapy that does not have any side effect.

What you can do alternatively is to figure out a way to avoid suffering from the worst side effects of ED treatments.

Yes, there are some measures that you can take starting today to avoid and significantly reduce the intensity or vigorousness of the side effects of various forms of ED cure.

In this article, we are going to throw light on exactly how you can achieve this. Let’s find out…

Use of medicines in the right way without causing side effects

It could be that you are already using ED pills such as Vidalista for curing ED. You must have heard about the strong and vigorous side effects of the ED pills such as heart attack, chest pain, breathing difficulty, severe rashes and headache, priapism and are fearing the worst.

But even despite all these huge side effects all you have to do is improve some of your knowledge and we are sure that you can find ways to treat ED without almost any side effects.

Take a look at the two simple steps as mentioned below-

Avoiding overdose

Avoid overdose or taking a higher amount dose than what has been recommended in your prescription. Let’s say that you are prescribed to use the Cenforce 100 dose but you are deliberately using the Cenforce 200 mg which is double the Cenforce 100 mg dose.

Now, this extra amount of generic Sildenafil that is remaining in your body is sure to cause side effects.

Make a promise to yourself to not overdose on your own unless you consult the doctor and we are sure that you will not suffer from the worst side effects of the ED pills.

Even if you have side effects their intensities will be low and generally go away after taking the first few doses.

Also Read : Cenforce 100 VS Viagra

Avoiding intake of contraindication substances

Contraindications are chances where the generic substance in ED pills such as Sildenafil, Tadalafil, Vardenafil, and Avanafil react vigorously with huge side effects.

All you have to do is know about these contraindicating substances and avoid taking them to stay at bay from the worst side effects.

Some contraindicating substances in the medicinal category include-

Other ED drugs with different generic substance

Blood thinners

Anti-blood coagulant pills


Nitrate derivatives

Some brands of antibiotics, antivirals, and antifungal pills

HIV and AIDs pills

Contraceptive pills

There are also two substances from the addictive non-medicinal category showing symptoms of huge contraindications and these include alcohol and narcotic drugs like cocaine.

Going for natural remedies

Natural therapies and ED cure remedies are preferred because of one reason above all and that is avoiding side effects. Yes, you may not know but natural supplements as we will be seeing in this section do have some side effects but mostly of a Meldish nature. The chances of severe side effects may be low but the use of natural supplements is not entirely free of side effects.

Use of herbal supplements

Herbal plants such as Panax ginseng, maca, yohimbine, ginkgo Biloba, are some herbal supplements that are available in the supplement form.

Always ask your doctor for a preferable brand name as you don’t want to end up buying a counterfeit one.

Going for exercises and yoga

Doing exercises for ED and some yoga if you are not an enthusiast of exercises is probably the only ED natural cure that does not have any linked side effects of its own.

This is provided that you do not injure yourself while stretching out.

There are multiple benefits of doing exercises on your ED problem. They will help you to maintain good cardiac health, strong mental health and free up stress, depression, and anxiety.

Focusing on ED-specific exercises is beneficial and these include pilates exercises and various types of floor exercises.

Acupuncture therapy

The use of acupuncture therapy is based on the old traditional Chinese technique of applying pressure on the various trigger points on your body to remove blood clots, Fildena 120 mg tablets get rid of the metabolic wastes of the cells and tissues, and increasing their metabolic activity.

You may undertake acupuncture therapy but take prior consultation from an expert.

CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy

For those of you who are suffering from ED due to psychological causes like depression, anxiety, stress, fear undergoing cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the substitutes having as such no side effects.

With this therapy, you will be undergoing stress management sessions and discussion sessions revealing your problems to a psychiatric expert.


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